Colloque anniversaire en hommage à l'abbé Rousselot : de la création au rayonnement de la phonétique expérimentale

28 et 29 octobre 2024 Paris (France)




Call for papers for the anniversary conference in honour of Abbé Rousselot: from the creation to the influence of experimental phonetics
The conference programme is online
On October 20, 2024, the town of Saint Claud will commemorate the centenary of the death of Abbé Rousselot. Program for the day: - A mass will be said by Monseigneur Gosselin and Abbé Apolinaire in the morning. - The plaque dedicated to him on Rue Abbé Rousselot will be refurbished, and a speech by Mr. Le Maire and perhaps the schoolchildren will be given in front of the plaque. - An exhibition of documents concerning him and a colloquium in the presence of historian Jacques Baudet.
Running from April 25 to July 12, 2024, the Collège de France exhibition "À bras-le-corps! Savants et instruments au Collège de France au XIXe siècle" focuses on the great figures of researchers and professors at the Collège de France, whose pioneering work explored the human and animal body, its physiology and movement. Some of the instruments used by Abbé Rousselot will be on display.
The schedule for the two days will be available soon
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